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Anastasia í Føroyum

Anastasia Novobranova, sum er úr Omsk í Sibiria, og starvast á føroysku sendistovuni í Moskva, hevur júst vitjað í Føroyum, sum partur av starvsvenjing.

Eg hitti hana í Nyhavn í Keypmannahavn, har vit tosaðu um filmssamstarv millum Føroyar og Russland.

Meðan vit tosa um føroyskar stuttfilmar og nevna Skopun og filmarnar hjá Sakarisi Stóra, kemur Martin Poulsen framvið. Hann er skopuningur, býr í Birkerød og fer umborð á snurriváðsbátin Álvur, sum er beint framman fyri okkum. Báturin er bygdur í Bogense eftir kríggið og skrásettur í Skopun. "Hetta er gamli Núgvunes av Eiði," sigur skopuningurin, tá hann skilir at eg eri av Eiði.

Onkuntíð er stóra verðin lítil, siga vit, Anastasia og eg, yvir kaffikoppinum.

"Merkið sameinir tykkum, har tit møtast," sigur hon og peikar á navnabrettið á Álvi. Hon hevur lært seg nøkur føroysk orð, millum annað Merkið og so vendingina einki problem.

"Traveller by nature, I always used to head southward seeking warm sandy beaches with palm trees and a straw in a coconut, just fallen from a tree. But a set of circumstances has recently brought me to a land, yet unknown to me - the beautiful and magic Faroe Islands, lying somewhere deep in the North and hidden in the vast Atlantic Ocean. What the following week had in store for me, has changed my whole perception of the world," sigur Anastasia á enskum um fyrstu vitjanina í Føroyum.

"Sometimes in your life things fall apart, trouble, stress, fatigue and disappointment are piling up, and it seems like the world has come to its edge, and there is nothing but darkness beyond this edge. That's how most of us in Russia imagine the world’s end. But now, having visited the Faroe Islands, I can say that the edge of the world is - dazzling green! It’s actually a place of no stress and even of no darkness in summer! When you stand on a brink of a cliff and see the raucous ocean in front of you, stretching as far as your eye can reach, and a land that is covered with a green carpet behind, you understand that the world in fact never ends, and it is more beautiful than one can imagine," sigur Anastasia um vitjanina og ger vart við fólkini, sum byggja og mynda staðin Føroyar, og hví hon vitjaði her.

"The specific purpose of my trip to the Faroe Islands was to meet local citizens, spend time with them and listen to their stories. Everywhere I was touched by the warm welcome I was received with. The hospitality and kindness that make you forget you are a visitor, because you start feeling yourself as a part of the society. This is exactly the interaction with local people that brought up profound thoughts in my head about simple values, we tend to lose more and more, while living in large cities and striving for success and fighting for a place in the sun," sigur Anastasia, sum starvast á føroysku sendistovuni í russiska høvuðsstaðnum Moskva, har um 15 mió fólk búgva.

"Here I would like to use this opportunity of writing a post to be read by people back in the Faroe Islands, and say thank you from the bottom of my heart, everyone I met. For your attention and patience with me, for showing me the Faroe Islands, for dinners and, of course, for letting me join your great companies," sigur Anastasia, og grundgevur fyri, hví fólk júst eiga at ferðast higar til Føroya:

"Summing up my feelings and emotions brought by the trip to the Faroe Islands, I can now answer why you would need to go there. Leaving aside beautiful landscapes, fresh food, the uniqueness of the destination and other well-known reasons, you should visit the Faroe Islands in order to see that man and nature can live in harmony, that high social status will never substitute trust and respect between people, that glassy skyscrapers fade in comparison with grass-roofed cosy houses, that the splashes of a cold ocean can be more exciting than the touch of a warm sea, that many things can be different when seen from one of the islands of the Faroes," sigur ein hugtikin Anastasia Novobranova, eftir starvsvitjan í Føroyum í farnu viku.